Home » Clean Steel Partnership » GreenHeatEAF » Project overview

Electric arc furnaces to reduce steelmaking emissions 

The indispensability of steel in society and the need to protect the environment are at the basis of the steelmaking industry's decarbonisation. Clean steelmaking transition finds in electric arc furnaces (EAF) a key technology: it is at the basis of scrap-based steelmaking (a circular economy process) and of the new DRI-EAF route that is expected to replace the BF-BOF route. In this context, the EU-funded GreenHeatEAF project aims at further increasing the importance of EAF. The replacement of natural gas and other fossil energy sources with hydrogen or renewable carbon sources (e.g. biochar) is investigated. In addition, technologies to re-optimise the heating management with maximum heat recovery from off-gas and slag are explored. Coupling pilot tests with digital applications constitutes the strength of GreenHeatEAF.

GreenHeatEAF project banner 3

Overall project concept

GreenHeatEAF will adapt, develop and demonstrate technologies for integrating non-C gases and renewable C-materials and for obtaining a wide control range of the whole heat capacities in EAF processes considering EAF role in both scrap- and iron-based route.

It will consider 3 use cases:
- Integration of non-C gases flows;
- Fossil C-sources replacement with biomass/biochar
- Modular and alternative heat recovery

It will include parallel and complementary application of demonstration and pilot tests, digital simulation and monitoring, and control strategies

GreenHeatEAF concept


This project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement NUMBER — 101092328 — GreenHeatEAF

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