The GreenHeatEAF consortium includes 13 specialised partners (4 steel producers and their affiliate companies, 3 research institutes, 1 gas supplier, 1 cement producer, 1 manufacturer and 1 technology platform) from 6 different European countries. The GreenHeatEAF  project is coordinated by SSSA.

GreenHeatEAF consortium map 2

The Consortium consists of: 
- 3 leading EU research institutes (SSSA, BFI and SWERIM)
- 4 major multinational steel producers (Sidenor, SSAB, CELSA & Deutsche EdelstahlWerke, who is an associated partner). Sidenor and SSAB are also participating with their affiliate companies: Sidenor Investigacion y Desarrollo (SI+D) and SSAB EMEA.
- Hoganas, which is the world-class manufacturer of metal powders for powder metallurgy
- 2 further companies, which are partner and providers of steel sector. These are namely the cement producer Cementa, using slag for cement production, and LINDE, one of Europe's largest gas suppliers, with already installed electrolysers, which provides of the CoJet burners.
- ESTEP is also involved in the innovation process to accelerate, extend and multiply the project outcomes as well as to support wide dissemination and communication within the EU steel sector.


This project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement NUMBER — 101092328 — GreenHeatEAF

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